2.能量转换与储存的关键材料与器件研究:面向国家可再生能源发展重大需求,围绕氢能领域如何实现氢的安全高效、长周期、大规模储运 “卡脖子”问题,基于微小反应器的甲烷/甲醇等化学链蒸汽重整制氢研究与技术创新,开展氢能在常温常压下安全储存的新理论和新方法等研究工作,主要解决低品位燃料能源化转换与利用技术及工程应用。
2020.09—2023.06 武汉科技大学 机械工程 博士;
2013.09—2020.06 安徽建筑大学 机械 学士/硕士;
2023.06—至今 巢湖学院机械工程学院 专任教师
2024-2026 安徽省高校省级自然科学研究(重点)项目:储能电池热失控阻隔安全防护设计方法及其关键技术应用 10万元 主持;
2022-2024 湖北隆中实验室自主创新项目:车用超高温陶瓷基阻燃型复合导热层结构/功能一体化设计方法,60万元 参与人.
2021-2022 武汉科技大学研究生创新创业基金项目 主持.
2020-2023 武汉科技大学优秀博士学位论文培育资助项目 主持.
Fan Yiwei, Wang Zhaohui *, Xiong Xiao, Zhu Jianyang, et al. Novel concept design of low energy hybrid battery thermal management system using PCM and multistage Tesla valve liquid cooling[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 220: 119680. (SCI中科院2区,TOP刊)
Fan Yiwei, Wang Zhaohui *, Fu Ti, et al. Numerical investigation on lithium-ion battery thermal management utilizing a novel tree-like channel liquid cooling plate exchanger[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 183: 122143.( SCI中科院2区,TOP刊)
Fan Yiwei, Wang Zhaohui *, Fu Ti. Multi-objective optimization design of lithium-ion battery liquid cooling plate with double-layered dendritic channels[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 199 : 117541.( SCI中科院2区,TOP刊)
Fan Yiwei, Wang Zhaohui *, Xiong Xiao, et al. Multi-Objective Optimization Design and Experimental Investigation for a Prismatic Lithium-Ion Battery Integrated with a Multi-Stage Tesla Valve-Based Cold Plate[J]. Processes, 2023, 11(6): 1618. ( SCI中科院3区,高被引)
Fan Yiwei, Wang Zhaohui*. Numerical and experimental research on the degradation mechanism in a dust-free crusher using DEM-CFD method[J]. Computational Particle Mechanics, 2021: 1-16.( SCI中科院3区)
He Ping, Fan Yiwei*, Pan Banglong, et al. Calibration and verification of dynamic particle flow parameters by the back-propagation neural network based on the genetic algorithm: recycled polyurethane powder[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(20): 3350. (SCI中科院3区)导师一作,本人通讯
何平,范益伟*,杜淑华,等. 热固性聚氨酯粉末物性参数的测定及应用[J]. 塑料工业,2019,47(6):92-97. (CSCD中文期刊)导师一作,本人通讯
Hu Gaoquan, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Study on the disturbance effect of pulsating flow and heat transfer in self-excited oscillation shear layer[J]. Thermal Science, 2022, 26. (SCI中科院4区,JCR Q3)
Dai yongxing, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Analysis of mixing effect and power consumption of cone-bottom dual Rushton turbines stirred tank[J]. Chemical Papers,2022, 76(4): 2177-2191. (SCI中科院4区,JCR Q3)
Cao Qiangqiang, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. The effect of the conductance enhancement system based on capacitance deionization on the electromagnetic efficiency of the superconducting MHD thruster[J]. AIP Advances, 2021: 1-16.( SCI中科院4区,JCR Q3)
Peng Feng, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Study on the interfacial dynamics of free oscillatory deformation and breakup of single-core compound droplet[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(4): 042009.( SCI中科院2区,JCR Q2)
Peng Feng, Wang Zhaohui*, Yang Qianwen, Fan Yiwei, et al. Numerical simulation on free oscillation interfacial dynamics of single-core compound droplet driven by shell deformation[J]. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 2022, 95: 52-62. (SCI中科院4区,JCR Q3)
Zhang Aibin, Wang Zhaohui*, Gao Quanjie, Fan Yiwei, et al. Calibration and Validation of Flow Parameters of Irregular Gravel Particles Based on the Multi-Response Concept[J]. Processes, 2023, 11(1): 268. (SCI中科院3区,JCR Q2)
Chen Huan, Gao Quanjie, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Optimization of Casting System Structure Based on Genetic Algorithm for A356 Casting Quality Prediction[J]. International Journal of Metalcasting, 2022: 1-22. (SCI中科院2区, JCR Q2)
Zhao Qian, Wu Huawei, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Numerical Research on Lithium-ion Battery Thermal Management Utilizing a Novel Cobweb-like Channel Cooling Plate Exchanger[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022,10: 992779. (SCI中科院4区,JCR Q3)
Wang Zhaohui, Ding Weibing*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Design of Improved Flow-Focusing Microchannel with Constricted Continuous Phase Inlet and Study of Fluid Flow Characteristics[J]. Micromachines, 2022, 13(10): 1776. (SCI中科院3区,JCR Q2)
Xiong Xiao, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Numerical analysis of cylindrical lithium-ion battery thermal management system based on bionic flow channel structure[J]. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2023, 42: 101879. (SCI中科院3区; JCR Q1)
Wang Dongdong, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Characterization of vortex structures with self-excited oscillations based on Liutex-Omega vortex identification method[J]. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2023: 1-17. (SCI中科院3区; JCR Q2)
Wang Hui, Wang Zhaohui*, Fan Yiwei, et al. Multi-objective lightweight design of automotive battery pack box for crashworthiness[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness. (SCI中科院4区; JCR Q2,已录用)
汪朝晖,熊肖,高全杰,范益伟. 基于仿蜘蛛网流道结构设计的圆柱形锂离子电池热管理系统性能研究. 机械工程学报.(EI中文期刊,已录用)
何平,卢浩,范益伟,张强,黄泽忠,朱银锋.工字形流道液冷板式换热器用于电池热管理的数值研究[J].制冷学报:1-10[2023-06-24]. (CSCD中文期刊)
何平,阮浩达,王丛洋,范益伟.热固性保温塑料粉末离散元参数的标定与应用[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2022,30(03):47-53. (CSCD中文期刊)
何平,王丛洋,范益伟,阮浩达.热固性酚醛树脂再生活性细料物性参数标定及应用[J].塑料工业,2021,49(02):155-160. (CSCD中文期刊)
何平,范益伟,杜淑华,朱达荣,汪日光.热固性聚氨酯粉末物性参数的测定及应用[J].塑料工业,2019,47(06):92-97. (CSCD中文期刊)导师一作,本人通讯
何平,梅加化,范益伟,朱达荣,汪日光,杨薇薇.废旧热固性保温塑料再生材料的制备与性能[J].塑料,2018,47(06):75-78+84. (CSCD中文期刊)
梅加化,何平,黄禄丰,范益伟.基于精确三维模型的DK-20发动机连杆有限元分析[J].煤矿机械,2018,39(08):78-81. (CSCD中文期刊)
汪朝晖,程自强,范益伟,等. 一种基于BP神经网络的自激振荡换热管协同优化方法[P]. 中国发明专利: 202111089040.4.
汪朝晖,熊肖,范益伟,等.一种基于仿生流道结构设计的圆柱动力电池热管理系统[P]. 中国发明专利: 202210730776.3.
汪朝晖,程自强,高全杰,范益伟,等. 一种自激振荡换热管多目标优化方法[P]. 中国发明专利: 202110694437.X.